「Underground Punk Rock Vinyl Archives 1976 - 1985 Volume 3 DJ Mix」
レアPunk Rock にフォーカスしたディスクガイド本としては世界初「70s パンク・レコード図鑑」、それに付随し不定期で開催されている「Killed By Dommune」で知られる猟奇的 Punk Rock 音盤コレクター 3 名による驚異的秘蔵音源多数収録の激ヤバな内容で世界のパンク・フリーク達を唸らせたMIX CDの第 3 弾がついに登場です!
01: Sex Bazooka / Ramon Pipin's Odeurs
02: Daddy's Been Workin' / The Downbeat
03: Punktuation / Tatty Ollity
04: Anarchy / Wozo
05: Humpty Dumpty / The Rotten Eggs
06: S.O.S. / Grand Jojo
07: As De Espadas / Ali Baba's Group
08: Family Fun Parlour / Fred Cass And The Cassettes
09: Yo Soy El Rei / Two Man Sound
10: Neonråte / Liliedugg
11: Out Of Control / The Steroids
12: Mein Kampf / Commercials
13: The Collector / The Relatives
14: Today Cant Be Worser Than Tomorrow / Warheads
15: Rockin' In Hell / The End
16: Slot In The Dark / Human Motives
17: Fredagskväll / Gollywog
18: All Your Ears Can Hear / Infamous Scientists
19: Gumby / Dexter Dogfish & The Dode Dippers
20: Over the Phone / The Steves
21: N.Y.C / 3 Leez (Revisited)
22: Big Body Build / Anonymo
23: Stick With The Click / The Aesthetics
24: Public Enemy / Peter Punk
25: Catch Yourself Talking To Yourself / Nu Clear Energy
26: Sit Back Sally / Brian Jaye
27: So Glad / Terry Hughes